Baking and Brewing

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The art of alchemy consists of brewing potions. Alchemists can also make some of the oils used by the other trade skills, but brewing potions is the bulk of an alchemists work. Potions consist of two main ingredients. These are an essence and a key ingredient. Essences are made by combining several ingredients and pouring the mixture into a glass vial. This is done at the Alchemists Table. If successful, the essence will be placed in the player’s inventory. If unsuccessful, the recipe ingredients will be destroyed, however the player will get back the glass vial. Potions are made by combining an essence and various ingredients along with an empty flask. This is also done at the Alchemists Table. If successful, the potion will be placed in the players inventory along with an empty glass vial. If unsuccessful, the recipe ingredients will be destroyed, however the player will recover both the glass vial and empty flask. Wisdom (60%) and Intelligence (40%) are key abilities for Alchemy.

Note: As of V3.00, brewing is not a tracked trade skill. Players can receive adventuring XP for successfully brewing recipes, but there is no trade XP awarded or tracked in the trade journal. Wisdom (60%) and Constitution (40%) are the key abilities for Brewing.

Good sources of brewing ingredients can be found in Kern's Flatlands: Central and Kern's Flatlands: South. If you chose the Davenport coach stop when traveling, the coachman will drop you off at Kern's so you may take the ferry to Davenport. You may commit at the Temple of Amanta in Kern's. Hillshire makes a good location for this skill as well, but perhaps the best place to practice this is in the Hamlet of Sunscale. In the whistlewoods just outside of town, there are good quantities of fruit and nut bearing trees. You can commit to temples in both Hillshire and Sunscale.


Baking permits players to make things such as bread and pies. Gathered grains can be converted to flours or meals using the Farmer’s mill. Oils can be crafted out of many grains and nuts using the Farmer’s Press. Juices can be crafted out of fruits also by using the Farmer’s Press. Eggs can be gathered from chickens by feeding them either corn grains or corn meal, although they will produce eggs three times faster eating corn meal. Milk can be gathered from cows by feeding them a variety of different grains. Cows prefer some grains above others and will oblige you for your donations by producing milk faster. Flour, eggs, milk, salt, sugar and fruits are typical ingredients used in the bread and pie recipes. These can be crafted by the Baker’s Oven. Wisdom (60%) and Constitution (40%) are the key abilities for Baking.

Good sources of baking ingredients can be found in Kern's Flatlands: Central and Kern's Flatlands: South. If you chose the Davenport coach stop when traveling, the coachman will drop you off at Kern's so you may take the ferry to Davenport. You may commit at the Temple of Amanta in Kern's. Hillshire and the Hamlet of Sunscale are also both good locations to practice baking. You can commit to temples in both Hillshire and Sunscale.