
Pantheon Lore

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Explanation of terms

Alignment: The Alignment of the God. Followers need not have the same Alignment, but priests are usually no more than one step away from their Deity; meaning that a priest of Talyra (LG) could be Lawful Neutral or Neutral Good, but shouldn't be Chaotic Good or Lawful Evil.
Domains: Not necessarily the exact spheres of influence of the deity, but the powers given to clerics.
Avatars: The physical forms that the God assumes when visiting the profane world.
Attribute: An item often carried by the God. Cosmologists and augurers study these so they can always tell if the creature before them is an ordinary creature or the avatar of a God. Clerics often carry their God's attributes to show what church they belong to.
Holy days: The days in which the god is celebrated. Gods will get grumpy and punish their worshippers if they're not properly celebrated on this day, though punishment can range from Nirem's friendly pranks to Okeah's all-consuming floods.
Followers: The most common types of followers of the God and general information about the priesthood. A mortal can pray to, or call upon, any Deity, but is only a follower of one.

Lawful Good

Talyra (The Golden Shield , Lady Protector, The Judge of Souls):
Domains- -Good, Protection, Sun, Death.
Avatars: Celestial Avenger, Female Paladin
Attribute: Sword and shield or sword and hammer (the instruments of justice).
Holy Days: Talyra has no holy days. Her followers believe that She instead views each day as Holy and maintains constant vigilance against Evil--an aspect her followers attempt to emulate as well.
Followers: While everybody prays to Talyra to assure a place in Talyra's Gardens after death, she isn't the preferred deity of many commoners. Her worshippers are very devoted people, though, and no other deity has as many paladins and clerics as she. Judges, guards and peacekeepers often devote themselves to Talyra to get a part of her sense of fairness and justice.

Talyra is the Goddess of Justice and Protection. She watches the world and attempts to counteract the forces of Evil through those who worship her. Talyra is also the judge of both the living and the dead. She believes in the use of Law to create benevolent societies for the good of all and in the underworld she judges the deceased by the lives they lived and attempts to keep Utkozet from claiming their souls as minions. Talyra has a particular hatred of the Undead which she believes are a mockery of the gift of life and which causes continual torment to those who suffer that state. Because of these beliefs the followers of Talyra and Utkozet battle each other constantly.
Talyra is the sister of Korosa and the followers of both deities have been known to battle over what constitutes proper Law and Governance--the clashes between the Golden Knights of Talyra and the Black Paladins of Korosa are the stuff of legend.

Khardum (Stonehammer, Sunforger):
Domains--Earth, Strength, Protection, Good
Avatars: Dwarven Fighter, Earth elemental, Stone Golem,
Attribute: Light hammer or warhammer
Holy Days: The Days of Stone (November 15-22). The Days of Stone are a week long event celebrated by masons, miners, stonecutters and those who forge (and nearly the entire Dwarven people). During this week master craftsman attempt to create great works of art, huge feasts are held celebrating the bounties of the earth, and gifts of gems and metalwork are given.
Followers: Almost all dwarves worship Khardum, as do many who work with earth or stone. He is even quite popular among other types of craftsmen such as carvers or tanners whose work is not directly related to stone. His priests, who are mostly dwarves, perform rituals in Khardum's honor to assure his help for craftspeople and pray for his protection against enemies.

Khardum is the god of Mountains, Earth and Stone. He made the mountains of Yoldana's flesh and molded the dwarves from living clay, but his greatest work is probably the torch which he gave to Solspere to light up the world. He pays particular attention to the Stout Folk and to those who spend the most time in his “domain.” Khardum has a particular hatred for Gruul and Zeeks. Gruul because his followers tend to pillage the hard work of miners and craftsmen--stealing much of the gifts of Khardum (gold, gems, forged items, etc.) and Zeeks because his followers use fire and the forge to create implements of torture and pain - which they also tend to use on the Khardum’s chosen.

Neutral Good

Amanta (The Blessed Lady):
Domains--Healing, Good, Protection, Earth.
Avatars: A white-robed female (seen by mortals as a compassionate appearing woman of whatever race they may be)
Attribute: Quarterstaff, often white
Holy Day: Feast of Amanta (May 1st). Day of healing and protection. Amanta’s followers are particularly busy this day - searching out the ill and wounded and providing healing and comfort to all. This day is also a day of Friendship where good companions will provide gifts to each other - gifts that either heal or provide protection but are never made to cause harm.
Followers: Healers, barber surgeons, pharmacologists and others who work with healing all worship The Blessed Lady as does those who are chronically ill or fear for their lives. Amanta has many followers whose lives were saved by her clerics. Her clerics are well-known to be the greatest healers in the land and provide the blessings of the Goddess they worship to all (yes all) who come to their temples seeking her aid.

Amanta is the Goddess of Healing and Protection. It is said that of all the gods, she is the one closest to their mother Yoldana. She is so loved for her gifts to the people of Alandria that even the most hard-hearted rogue or vicious humanoid barbarian will oftentimes allow her priests and priestesses to travel unmolested - with the knowledge that they might someday need the blessings of the Lady.
Amanta is the wife of Solspere and the mother of Lunias. Gentle Amanta has few who openly oppose her.

Solspere (Sunlord):
Domains--Sun, Knowledge, Fire, Healing
Avatars: Human Sage, Brass Dragon
Attribute: The Torch
Feast Day: High Summer (Summer Solstice): Time of quiet reflection, Libraries will often open their doors free to all on these days and small texts or scrolls are given out to the populace to celebrate the written word.
Followers: Sages, wizards, bards and other artists are commonly devoted to Solspere. Many a poem or song invokes Solspere or contains a verse that thanks him for the inspiration the artist has received. Historians and chroniclers rely on Solspere to help them interpret the information they have gathered, and peasants invoke him for good weather. His priests believe that knowledge belongs to everybody and are therefore viewed with suspicion by many rulers.
Solspere's priests are also often looked to when peasants fear draughts or need more sun for their crops, but are also expected to give advice to commoners and nobles on all sorts of subjects. Some of his followers are oracles who commune with Solspere to learn about the future.

Solspere is the God of the Sun and Benevolent Knowledge. He carries the life-giving Sun that bathes Alandria in warmth across the sky. Furthermore, Solspere is the god of history and art. His followers attempt to chronicle all that has come to pass as well as events currently happening while artists often pray for his guidance when creating their greatest works. Although most of Solspere’s followers keep close to the vast libraries and artist communities they’ve built, many troubadours worship Solspere as well--learning new songs and spreading tales throughout the land.
Solspere is especially popular in the town of Davenport because his priests played a key role in establishing the Temple of Divine Light - a temple devoted to the divinity of all Gods and one of Solspere's greatest libraries is located there.

Solspere is the husband of Amanta and the father of Lunias. Solspere’s followers often come into conflict with the followers of Okeah as those who follow the doctrines of the Stormlord believe that the orderly libraries of Solspere are anathema to the way of chaos and destruction that Okeah promotes. Solspere’s followers, on the other hand, believe that Okeah’s followers and their disregard for history and wanton destruction of objects of beauty are one of the greatest threats to Alandria.

Chaotic Good

Nirem Fuzzlefoot (Harvestman, The Crafty Baker):
Domains--Good, Travel, Trickery, Plant.
Avatars: Halfling Rogue,
Attribute: A sheaf of grain and a Sickle.
Holy Days: Harvest Festival--August 29-Sept 1. Celebration of the Harvest. During the festival small baked goods are given out as gifts to good friends. Ale is distributed to celebrate the grains, contests of trickery are held and jokes are made in good fun.
Followers: Peasants and bakers of all races and cities worship Nirem and consider him their protector. He is also the patron deity of halflings, and carved figures of him are displayed everywhere in halfling villages. His clerics are pastors of small villages where they help the townsfolk in any way they can. Pastors of Nirem are rarely found in larger towns or cities, unless there are many bakers. Nirem Fuzzlefooot is also worshipped by druids who differ from the priests in that they tend to lead smaller groups of more devoted followers who claim to tend the “dance of field and forest” – the fragile balance between nature and agriculture. Those druids are often found in cultivated wildlands such as the large clearings near Hillshire on Arkon.

Nirem Fuzzlefoot is one of the most active of the Gods of Alandria (some would call him meddlesome). He loves the fields and the times of the harvest. He is fond of good natured pranks and will oftentimes walk the lands in disguise. Nirem tends to work very subtly, quietly influencing those around him and even the Gods and Goddesses of Alandria - all towards promoting a world of peace and prosperity.

Elayrhen (The Mistress of the Woods):
Domains--Plant, Magic, Air, Healing
Avatar: Elven Cleric, A Ranger
Attribute: Bow
Holy Day: Deepening Day (May 15th). Deepening Day is a celebration of the woods and those who live there. The many sentient denizens get together to feast and dance in celebration of their Mistress. Gifts of wood and the bounties of the forest are given. However, those who dwell in the woods are often secretive like their mistress and tend to cloak their festivities through illusions. Those who intrude and are not themselves worshippers of the Mistress often wake up days later with no remembrance of the event--and missing their clothes and items.
Followers: Elves, wood folk and rangers all worship the Mistress and seek to protect the woods from those who would exploit them. Her priests are simple wood dwellers, but are usually held in high esteem by those who live in the forest.

Elayrhen is the Goddess of the woods and those who dwell there. She provides the bounties of the forest to her followers and allows those who choose so to live in peace. She is often invoked in hunting, but she is reluctant to lend hunters her aid as the animals are as much her children as the hunters are. She is benevolent and peace loving, though wild in nature. She is also considered a beautiful Goddess, and many a myth tells of another God who falls in love with her, but is rejected.

Lawful Neutral

Lunias (The Moon Maid):
Domains--Air, Earth, Water, Magic
Avatar: Will-o-wisp, Wolf, a beautiful Maid (usually human or elven)
Attribute: Sometimes a scimitar
Holy Days: the Full Moon. During each cycle of the Full moon, small friendly gatherings celebrating the Moon Goddess are held late into the night with “moon wine” being distributed. The days before, during and after the full moon are also the best time to travel by sea as Lunias’s calming influence dampens the storms of Okeah.
Followers: Lunias is called upon by those who wish to be spared from Okeah's power - mainly peaceful sailors and merchants. Those elves who prefer the beauty of the moonlit forest over the daylight often worship her, as do many drow who have left the Underdark and the influence of Izobranet. She is also worshipped by some mages and is said to have cults devoted to her among the werewolves. The story of her birth and her solitary existence has also made her a popular deity among misfits and loners. Her priests often work onboard ships where they lead prayers and perform rituals to achieve Lunias's protection of the vessel.

Lunias is the Goddess of the Moon and Beauty. She was given birth by Solspere and Amanta when Okeah’s rampages threatened to destroy all that the gods had created. Because of Okeah’s chaotic might Solspere recognized (though Nirem may have suggested it to him) that open conflict would only serve to further the aims of Okeah. So, Lunias was born from the essence of Amanta and Solspere. Her Beauty immediately caught the Stormlords attention when he saw her - and he quickly became consumed with lust for her and stopped his rampage of destruction. After a great pursuit Okeah caught Lunias and she submitted to his lusts, though she soon escaped his embrace when he rested. Waking, Okeah once again pursued Lunias, this time vowing to keep her by his side for all eternity. However, after this incident the Gods of Good granted Lunias dominion over the night sky allowing her to always remain out of reach of the Stormlord. Okeah pursues her still and and spares much of his destructive might from the world because of his lust for the Moon Maid. Lunias is respected by most other gods for the safety she provides Creation, but she doesn't have any great love of her fellow gods, whom she thinks have used her for their own purposes. Her true love is the elven Demigod Fen'Alindor who keeps her company, but her plight keeps the two from truly uniting in their love. Lunias is the mother of Scartlet.

Obi-Kalum (The Silent One, The Elder):
Domains--Knowledge, Fire, Travel, Trickery
Avatar: Human monk (elderly peasant),
Attribute: A hand held upright revealing the palm
Holy Day: Night of the Silent Flame--a date (or dates) known only to the few adepts of Obi-Kalum. During these nights the Silent Flame is honored by fasting and silence as the followers of Obi-Kalum strengthen their spirits for endeavors of their lord.
Followers: The followers of Obi-Kalum are almost exclusively monks who have received his teachings from older monks in a straight line from the first orders of Obi-Kalum. His clerics are often monks who have achieved a state of closeness to the deity in which they can call upon his powers. They have no special duties as clerics and no higher or lower status than his other followers, though they are sometimes looked to for guidance.

Obi-Kalum is the God of Secrets and the Hidden Flame. He is an enigma to even the other gods. Many of the common folk fear him believing his secrets conceal some dark goal. Because of their ignorance the few sects of Obi-Kalum have been hunted to near extinction--now those that remain gather only in hidden places and continue the work of their master.


Yoldana (Earthmother, Mother Goddess):
Domains--Animal, Plant, Earth, Water
Avatar: Dryad, Dire Tiger,
Attribute: Often followed by animals
Holy Day: Vernal Equinox. This unnamed day is celebrated by those who hold Yoldana the Earth mother most high (mainly druids). Feasts celebrating the bounties of the Earthmother are held from Sunrise to Sunrise and Druidic challenges are fought.
Followers: Druids are Yoldana's main followers, they walk the lands watching quietly carefully monitoring the advance of civilization and the rampages of the humanoid tribes, striving always to maintain the Balance. The clerics who worship her are almost indistinguishable from the druids except that they tend to live in towns rather than in the wilds.

Yoldana is the mother of the gods. She gave her life to let the gods form the world from her gigantic body, thus becoming the world itself. She pursues balance among all that dwell on Alandria and protects Nature and Nature’s creatures from those who desire to domesticate the wilds.

Varazlo (Lord of Magic, God of Knowledge, Lord of the Depths)
Domains--Magic, Knowledge, Water, Destruction
Avatar: Elder Water Elemental, Fey Magi, Gnome Wizard,
Attribute: A magic staff
Holy Day: Autumnal Equinox. The autumnal equinox has particular significance to mages of all types. The balance between day and night and the significance of it being the last day before the onset of winter (a time of destruction) cause the flux of magic to be most powerful at this time. Wizards will often try to create their greatest works so that they culminate on this day and Sorcerers believe that items enchanted this day will never break. This day is also the traditional day when young mages end their apprenticeships--good masters will often provide them with gifts of magic and knowledge to aid them in their future endeavors.
Followers: The gnomes and the remaining fey are the most common followers of Varazlo,though he is popular with mages and bards from all races. His priests, the “deepsages” are scholars, but rarely share their knowledge without a sacrifice to Varazlo or a donation to the temple or library. The main task of the priesthood is to further Varazlo's agenda by trading their knowledge. Some priests become ”currentmasters” who live a more active life. These priests study astronomy and the use of advanced measuring devices to work as navigators on large ships.

Varazlo is the God of Magic and the Ocean depths. It is said that all of what Solspere seeks or Obi-Kalum attempts to hide Varazlo knows but does not share. He granted the gift of magic to the first peoples of the world and was embraced early on by the Fey as their one, true God. However, after the Betrayal (when the Drow were created) and the Splintering (when many of the remaining Fey fled to the woods and the protection of Elayrhen became El‘vrn or “elves“) the worship of Varazlo among the Fey declined. In one of the oddest occurrences in the world, though, a lone Fey Magi-Priest of Varazlo was found half-dead upon the beach of the Sunless Shore (a vast underground ocean) by a roving band of Gnome explorers. Nursing the Fey back to health on the way back to their cities they were amazed at how quickly this tall, skinny, stranger learned their difficult speech while the stranger was impressed with their aptitude for the magical arts. Throughout the next few centuries the Fey Magus traveled extensively among the cities and towns of the Gnomes promoting Varazlo to the small folk before disappearing suddenly one day (some say the Fey ran into a Drow raiding party while others say that the Fey was actually an avatar of Varazlo) but the popularity of Varazlo with the gnomes remained. Soon, many Gnomes began following the Lord of Magic exclusively and within another few centuries the gnomish people voted on a patron god - Varazlo won by a landslide. To this day they remain among his most dedicated followers.

Chaotic Neutral

Scartlet (The Rogue, Moondaughter):
Domains--Trickery, Travel, Knowledge, Air
Avatars: Half-Elven Rogue, Raven
Attribute: Dagger, though her followers are just as often seen with a rapier.
Holy Day: Fool’s Day (April 1st). Fool’s Day celebrates an early event in Scartlet’s past when she tricked Khardum and Gruul into eating from the same table, thereby causing them to order a cease in the war between the humanoid tribes and the dwarves because of the Laws of Hospitality (Once bread has been broken no hostilities between those present may persist or commence for a night and a day). This event is remembered well among all those involved and an uneasy truce is often held between the dwarves and humanoids this day - although they have been known to send lone Champions to face each other as both sides watch (the loser is nearly always raised by those present in order to not offend the Gods).
Followers: Scartlet is often worshipped by thieves, rogues, con men, and spies--all of those who pursue lifestyles that deal with finding what others keep hidden and profiting from that whether gold, jewels or knowledge. However, while selfish, the followers of Scartlet are not openly cruel and have been known to provide protection and aid to those they usually prey upon during hard times. In particular, the followers of Scartlet pay special attention to the rampages of Okeah’s followers believing that wanton destruction is “bad for business.“ Many common folk pray to her as well, hoping to divert the attention of her followers. Her priests are often ranking members of gangs or thief guilds, but in truth they are found in all walks of life and rarely set up churches or work as pastors.

Scartlet is the Goddess of Trickery and Deceit. She has something of a checkered past herself. It is believed that she was the product of the union between Lunias and Okeah and though estranged from both has a particular hatred towards (and fear of) her father.

Cao (Beastlord, The Warrior):
Domains--Strength, War, Animal, Sun
Avatars: Human Barbarian, Ancient Dire Bear, Mountain Giant
Attributes: Battle Axe
Holy Day: Cao’s Day (July 7th). A day of tournaments and contests of brute strength. Barbarian clans will often hold leadership contests on this day believing that Cao will provide strength to the contestant who should lead the Clan. In cities, fighting tournaments are often held to celebrate the might of the Warrior.
Followers: Barbarians are the most common worshippers of Cao. Common soldiers also worship Cao hoping for strength and bravery in battle, while gladiators and those who fight for their living pray to him for skill and glory. His priests are often shamans or advisers in barbarian tribes. Sometimes the tribe's chieftain is a cleric of Cao. Cao's priests provide him with sacrifices and ritual fights in his honor so he may give success in battle.

Cao the Strong, Beastlord of the Wilds, The Warrior… many are the names by which this god is known and many followers does he have. Cao is the God of Strength and Battle. While Gruul relishes slaughter, and Korosa lives for the rampages of war Cao glorifies combat itself - whether or not to the death does not matter to him. Cao believes that true life is only experienced during conflict when blood rushes and the soul sings. Many of the barbarian tribes believe that they were born of the blood of Cao and that he blesses them with strength and ferocity.

Cao is the father of Zeeks and fiercly battles the twisted creations of his son. Cao also has a fierce hatred for Izobranet remembering well her seduction of him and the betrayel of his trust during the creation of Zeeks.

Lawful Evil

Korosa (Lady Tyranny, Queen of War):
Domains--War, Fire, Protection, Evil
Avatars: Female Fighter (Blackguard), Red Dragon,
Attribute: Bastard sword
Holy Day: Day of Dominion (February 10th) Korosa’s Holy Day celebrates a spectacular victory by her earliest followers who performed a forced march in the dead of winter the day war was declared--ending the war almost before it was ever fought. The Day of Dominion is celebrated with contests between the champions of Korosa. Furthermore, the bravest and most devout of Korosa’s followers will often times begin wars against their enemies on this day believing that their resolve to fight will be strengthened by Korosa.
Followers: Korosa is chiefly worshipped by fighters and some mages of a martial inclination. She is often embraced by those paladins who fall so far from their calling that they turn their back on goodness altogether, but keep their ideals of strong leaders and unbreakable laws. Several cities and countries on other continents worship Korosa as their Patron Deity. Her priests have a complicated structure of power at whose top is a high archpriest who has influence over all Korosa's worshippers, though the regional leaders are ultimately more powerful.

Korosa is the Goddess of Fire and the civilisation it brings with it. Her civilisation, however, is one of Tyranny and War. Her followers believe strictly in the rule of Law and the Righteousness of War. Her followers discipline in battle and absolute belief in law terrify many, and the lands where Korosa is held supreme are dark and harsh to live in. The smallest infraction is paid for with death and the common people’s lives are often full of bone weary labor. Followers of Korosa are harsh and pitiless viewing mercy as a weakness, and leniency as the path to “chaos” - which they abhor.

In ages past the chosen of Korosa were the Eye Tyrants (also known as Beholders). With their long lives, powerful gaze attacks, and absolutely adherent belief in their right of dominion many lands fell before their might. However, they made the mistake of attempting to subjugate the Empire of Karad’lur at the height of its power and while the war was destructive for both sides Karad’lur eventually overcame the Eye Tyrants and cast their kind into oblivion. No Beholder kind have been seen in the thousands of years since… though rumors persist that they remain hidden, plotting their return.

Korosa is the sister of Talyra and while both believe strongly in Law they differ vastly in what they view as the correct means of governance.

Zeeks (Painlord):
Domains--Trickery, Fire, Animal, Death
Avatars: Kobold Sorcerer, Elder Fire Elemental, Hell hound,
Attribute: Flail and throwing daggers.
Holy Days: Zeek's Holy days are celebrated approximately five times each yearly but the actual dates change and are known only to his Shamans. Zeeks believes in keeping his worshippers off-guard and has been known to begin one holy day immediately after one has just been celebrated or to refrain from acknowledging a holy day for months.
Followers: Zeeks is worshipped widely by many dark sects but in civilized lands his worshippers conceal their practices from those around them. Zeeks pays special attention to the smaller humanoids (goblins, kobolds and such) and is said to have taught them their first tactics of ambush and betrayal - all to counteract the fierceness and raw might of Gruul, whom Zeeks loathes. Followers of Zeeks practice the cruelest methods of sacrifice, and woe to any who fall into their hands as they have learned ways to stretch pain beyond what many would think possible to survive. His priests enjoy positions of power within the tribes of small humanoids. Among humans and demihumans they are the leaders of various evil secret societies that have little contact with each other. The main task for these priests is to please Zeeks by causing as much pain as possible. Attaining any higher ranks as a priest of Zeeks involves several painful initiation processes.

Zeeks is the God of Pain, Torture and Fire. His name is invoked in curses and when wishing pain for someone else, and his daggers can inflict diseases, unhealable wounds and slow rot of the body from miles away. He is mischievous, but also expects loyalty from his worshippers. He carries grudges for centuries and often visits his revenge on the children or grandchildren of the person who did him wrong. He is disliked by almost the entire pantheon, especially Gruul and Cao, a feeling which is mutual. Zeeks was born of a short union of Izobranet and Cao in a plot by Izobranet to increase her control beyond the four Domains each god had been allowed to choose at the time of creation. While Zeeks aids his mother in her plots, though, he loathes her as well remembering well her "mothering" and all the twisted lies and pain she visited upon him after his birth.

Neutral Evil

Izobranet ( The Whore of Midnight)
Domains--Evil, Destruction, Strength, War
Avatar: Drow Cleric, Succubus,
Attributes: Glowing flail
Holy Days: (Winter Solstice). The name of Izobranet’s Holy Day is known only to the Dark Elves who worship her (and the date itself is known to few besides the Drow and the Fey). It celebrates the day known as the Betrayal by the Fey when 5 of the High Families betrayed their kind and released Izobranet’s influence back into the world. These 5 Families were “gifted” by Izobranet at that time with strength and the ability to resist magic. The gift also turned their skins the color of onyx and caused them to have an aversion to the sun and open lands above - guaranteeing Izobranet followers that would never return to the surface lands and the gods that rule there. The Drow are particularly active in the weeks prior to this day as they gain slaves and items to sacrifice to their dark mistress. Screams of slaves being sacrificed are said to begin at the start of the day and to never end until the last second of the day. Furthermore, the amount of blood spilled is said to fill baths big enough for entire houses to bathe in. A “pax drow” also exists for the month prior to this day as the Houses “celebrate” their unity (knowing that a House that violates this rule will suffer the wrath of Izobranet herself may have something to do with it) and strength. Clever houses have developed very fine time pieces to calculate to the second when the festival is over in order to launch sneak attacks at their rivals.
Followers: The followers of Izobranet are typically Drow. Only females can become clerics of Izobranet, for they are the favored sex and males are never given too much power in Drow society. The priesthood is a powerful group among the drow.

Izobranet is the merciless Goddess of the Evil, Strength and Destruction. Such is her might and power that even the other gods of evil fear and hate her. She demands the strictest obedience from her followers and those who fall from the goddess' grace can only hope for a quick death. Such was the fear of Izobranet that in the early years of creation all the gods joined forces and imprisoned her from the world - a prison that was subsequently found and opened by Fey Magi who were corrupted by her influence and became, with all of their Families, the first Drow.

The Drow are a matriarchal society as Izobranet herself is female. Families are lead by the lead female, known as the Matron Mother. Matron Mother's take their devotion to Izobranet very seriously. Many Houses have been destroyed at the first sign that their House has faltered in any way and displeased the Goddess.

Izobranet thrives on chaos and turmoil. Only the strong and cunning survive in her world. Her most favored followers relish in this chaos, feeding it, nurturing it to the fine line between anarchy and order.

Within the drow city of Khazilarae, there is a mighty Temple where all who worship Izobranet can gather to honor her. This is the only area that is considered neutral in the city. While out on the streets wars take place between Houses, there is never any violence here amongst the Drow.

When the need arises, the highest priestesses of the most powerful Houses gather together in praise of Izobranet. They have the power to summon forth her Avatar, who is a truly deadly foe when roused.

Izobranet is hated and feared by all the other Gods and those who follow them. Furthermore any Drow that leaves her Domains by either choice or loss of favor live their lives in constant peril, for the “gifts” Izobranet bestows upon the Drow are stripped from them, leaving them unprotected . However, they are still marked with the onyx skin of the worshippers of Izobranet--and most of the other peoples of Alandria will treat them harshly as such.

Utkozet (Lady Death, The Crone)
Domains--Evil, Death, Destruction, Magic
Avatars: Female Lich, Vampiress Mage, Shade
Attribute: Mace (scepter that denotes rulership within the land of the dead)
Holy Day: Death‘s Night (October 31st). A time when the spirits are said to walk the earth. Prior to this day, families often visit the graves of their loved ones (and not so loved ones), cleaning up the sites and crypts and leaving offerings in the hope that disgruntled spirits wont “come home to visit.” In the uncivilized wilds, Death’s Night is a terrifying time when the worshippers of Utkozet offer blood sacrifice and dark magic’s are cast.
Followers: The Undead were Utkozet's creation and remain her greatest followers although many of the living follow her as well, believing that service to Utkozet will allow them dominion over others in the afterlife.
Many Necromancers also follow Utkozet believing that the dark knowledge of death that she can provide will enable them to learn greater and more powerful incantations though they themselves occasionally become victims to the powers they hope to master. Utkozet's priests usually live in secluded places where they are sought out by those who wish to obtain favors from The Crone. Civilised regions that are disliked by Talyra sometimes have a small priesthood of Utkozet to ensure a certain security in the afterlife.

Utkozet is the Goddess of Death. She chose her dominion early when the Gods and Goddesses divided the powers of the world between them. Believing that she would ultimately become the most powerful since death comes to all she was thwarted in her efforts by Talyra--who also chose death as her dominion in order to prevent Utkozet from corrupting and profiting from the souls of the departed. This encounter has caused unending strife between Utkozet and Talyra and their followers continue the battle to this day. Where Talyra attempts to provide the dead with peace, Utkozet pulls souls to her and binds them to her service.

Chaotic Evil

Okeah (The Stormlord):
Domains--Air, Water, Destruction, Travel
Avatars: Elder Air Elemental, Death slaad lord, Half-dragon Sorcerer
Attribute: Halberd or spear surrounded by sparks
Holy Days: New Moon. During the new moon when Lunias’s influence is at its least Okeah unleashes his full destructive wrath. Travel by Sea is nearly impossible as violent storms rack the lands. Strong spirits are offered to pacify Okeah (and are often drunk by sailors and tradesmen whose trade routes are interrupted during this time)
Followers: Followers of Okeah include sailors, pirates, and the more chaotic and vicious of society including some assassins and chaos-loving sorcerers. His priests must be chaotic evil or chaotic neutral. Their main responsibility is to pacify The Stormlord to prevent hurricanes and other natural disasters, and to be the instrument of his wrath when someone has displeased him. They have little formal hierarchy in the priesthood except that the stronger priests tend to establish a position of power for themselves by bullying those weaker.

Okeah The Stormlord is one of the most feared gods in the lands. Okeah glorifies absolute destruction and seeks to pull down the works of the other Gods into utter chaos. Ravaging the world with the mighty storms and weather he controls Okeah has vast influence on the oceans surface and all sailors pay him homage (although many also pray to Lunias to calm his rages). The most bloodthirsty pirates tend to pay Okeah particular homage and oftentimes will sacrifice the passengers of the ships they capture to him--hoping that he’ll always provide wind for their sails when they need it and storms to cripple the ships they pursue. Coastal cities also pay the Stormlord tribute as Okeah has been known to send hurricanes and tidal waves against those who displease him.

Okeah is particularly influenced by the full moon which represents the waxing beauty of Lunias who he lusts for and secretly loves. It is well-known that the best times to travel are during the time of when the moon is full as Okeah “forgets” the world and gazes upon the Moon Maid who escaped him.

Okeah is hated by most of the Gods but his brother Gruul who also views destruction and chaos as the nature of the world.

Gruul (The Reaper):
Domains--War, Evil, Strength, Death
Avatars: Orcish Fighter, Ogre Berserker, Half-fiend Warrior
Attribute: Scythe
Holy Days: Gruul’s holy days are not known to most but are celebrated by the humanoid tribes that worship him by raids against all of those around them. Humanoid activity is particularly violent, vicious and deadly during these times (which are generally the 3 days following the New Moon as Gruul tends to feast off the violence stirred up by his brother god).
Followers: Many humanoid races, mainly orcs and ogres, regard Gruul their patron deity, and his name is often invoked by raiders and plunderers. His priests work to cause as much slaughter as possible, but also try to pacify Gruul when his murderous nature would send their entire tribe on a suicide mission. Their priests are almost exclusively members of tribal societies of humanoids where they hold considerable power. One tribe rarely contains more than one priest of Gruul, though he may keep a few initiates around.

Gruul The Reaper, God of Slaughter and Doom. Gruul is the God of Slaughter and the chaotic aspects of war. While Cao glorifies conflicts of strength between equals, Gruul relishes in the slaughter and death of all - particularly the weak. Gruul's followers believe that only the strong have a right to live and that the weak (physically weak particularly) are the fodder on which to slake their blood lusts. The stronger humanoids tend to worship Gruul. Orcs, Orogs, Ogres and others all worship this savage god. Other worshippers of Gruul are the cutthroats and assassins who find pleasure in the act of killing itself.

While disliked by most other Gods and loathed by Zeeks (whom Gruul once caught and attempted to kill), Utkozet secretly encourages Gruul as many of the slaughtered die without Talyra’s protection and Okeah feeds off Gruul’s chaos as Gruul feeds off his.


Fen Alin'dor (the Minstrel)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Attribute: A Silver stringed Harp
Domains: Knowledge, Travel.
Soon after the Splintering of the Fey and the formation of the new Elven Nation a great elven bard, Fen'alindor, began to distinguish himself for his prowess with words and lyrics. Although most of the new elves followed Elayrhen, Fen'alindor found himself drawn to the path of the Sunlord. He was a strong warrior, with a large knowledge of ancient lore and magic, and was blessed with an unusually beautiful voice. He was highly considered by Solspere, who enjoyed his talents in the arts of singing and storytelling.
During one of his forays into the deep wildlands where the woods grow so dense that sunlight rarely penetrates to the forest floor, Fen'alindor came across a hidden glen with a glistening spring fed pool of water...and a beautiful maiden bathing there. Completely entranced by this wondrous vision, Fen'alindor remained hidden gazing in awe while the woman continued to bathe.
Sparkling silver hair tumbled across her shoulders, her milky skin seemed almost translucent and without blemish while her large almond shaped eyes seemed to contain the depths of the night sky. Fen'alindor also noticed a melancholy surrounding the maiden that touched him deeply. At that moment though, a twig snapped beneath the bards foot. Quiet as the sound was the maiden looked up sharply, met the gaze of Fen'alindor and disappeared.
Fen'alindor remembered then the somber destiny of the goddess Lunias, how she had been led into Okeah´s hands by the need for peace of the other gods, and realized that the being he had just seen had been her. Her sacrifice was still evident in the sadness in her eyes and the moment when their gazes met touched him deeply. Fen'alindor became consumed with the vision of the Moon Maid and his faith in Solspere slowly gave place to delusion and their distance grew.
For many lost years he roamed the deep forests that his heart loved so much, but silence overweighed his soul. When the nights of the full moon would come he would see her beauty echoed in the moonlight once again. Songs of Lunias would grow strong in his heart during these times and as he traveled he would sing them, flooding the air around with words of love and anger, of pain and poignancy, words filled with such emotion that even in the heavens Lunias listened to them though she dared not approach the bard.
Centuries passed and still Fen'alindor continued to wander and sing until one day Lunias heard her name whispered in the winds, and followed the melody. Cloaked in irridescent moonlight, she looked upon the melodic bard and felt her sadness lifted by his song. Fen'alindor also saw the goddess, opened his arms and continued to sing - his heart feeling complete at last. Slowly, Lunias approached the bards outstretched arms. Unfortunately, Lunias wasn't the only god to hear his words that night.
Okeah Stormlord staring lustfully at the moon overhead heard the words as well and followed the song to its source. There he saw the mortal bard embracing the Moon Maid and his jealousy knew no bounds. Bellowing his rage, Okeah flew at the goddess and bard. Lunias screamed piteously and disappeared into the night but Fen'alindor remained. Though Fen´alindor's power was strong among the elves, he was helpless against Okeah´s might and was quickly slain, for Okeah ravaged the whole forest with an incredible speed and an utter ferocity that had not been seen since before the birth of Lunias.
Eventually Okeah took his rage elsewhere and Lunias approached the fallen bard. Tears of liquid moonlight fell from her eyes as she cried silently for the bard who had loved her. For many days Lunias wept while Okeah ravished the mortal world until finally the gods of good approached the crying moon maid and pleaded for her to entrance the Stormlord who once again threatened all creation. Lunias looked up only once to stare at each of the gods of good in turn piercing them with her painfilled gaze before returning to grieve over the body of Fen'alindor. Ashamed the gods of good withdrew although Amanta and Talyra remained. It is said Amanta then touched the body of Fen'alindor and made it whole while Talyra granted the departed soul entrance back from the Gates of the Dead returning the spirit of Fen'alindor before both turned and left the bard and goddess alone. Fen'alindor awoke then and gazed into the eyes of Lunias while Lunias's tears of sadness turned to joy. Fen'alindor opened his arms once again and Lunias approached him again until she suddenly stopped.
Lunias realized in that moment that she had a choice. She could remain with the bard and experience happiness briefly before watching him and all Creation be lost to the rampages of Okeah or she could return to the night sky and attempt to pacify the Stormlord. Lunias reached her decision swiftly and Fen'alindor, gazing at her, realized it as well. Lunias departed then back to the night sky. Entrancing the Stormlord she drew him off into the open seas where his waning rage caused little damage. Fen'alindor returned to his travels though his songs now were of lost love and anguish but also of hope for the future.
Fen´alindor become the lyric poet of the night, unsurpassed by any other, and his voice was enchanted in the moonlight, whispering verses of love and grace, echoing with the wind through the elven forests. Eventually, Solspere, led by his regrets it is said, received Fen´alindor into his grace, granting him godly powers and a place amongst the Pantheon, where he could sing and alleviate the everlasting night of Lunias.
Fen'alindor became the demi-god of music, of love and romance though he also is a strong foe of the followers of Okeah as well. His followers are mainly bards, though anyone can turn to him in times of emotional duress, and are widely traveled. Furthermore, his followers tend to work quietly throughout the land opposing the forces of destruction and tyranny with song and political intrigue. Although there seems to be no central heirarchy for his followers they do have definite goals that only they seem to know. Luckily theses goals appear to be for the betterment of mankind.
Fen'alindor's followers are the most likely to have the Harper Scout prestige class