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- Housing: add your own house to the module, with your own door at a location you like and get a the ability to port there directly, see also Travelling
- Servervault consolidation: Have you played with more than one Name/GSID in the past but don't want to anymore? All or some of your characters can be moved into one vault. No progress information will be lost.
- Delete characters e.g. via Chat Commands
- Delevel characters but not back up, e.g. via Chat Commands
- Custom Armor: If you would like to customize your armor you may do so in the toolset. Contact a DM for assistance (for example in Discord). We also implemented an Armor Editor and added to conversation of Armor Shop NPC.
- If you like to use your own character portraits, please use this guideline to make it happen: Custom Portraits
Option to play with 2 characters
- it is possible to play with 2 different CDKEYs via the same Playername (different characters)
- To link your CDKEYS, please use !cdkey chat commands
- Please note: if someone tells you something, it will always go to the first character logged in.