Feat Changes

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Feat Description
Toughness gives 2 HP per level.
Epic Toughness
Each Epic Toughness feat gives 80 HP.
Barbarian Rage AC is always lowered by 2.
Level 1 - 14: The barbarian rage increases strength by 4, will save and fortitude save by 2 and gives hitpoints of barbarian level * 2. The duration is barbarian level / 2 + 10 rounds
Level >= 15: Starting at barbarian level 15 strenght is increased by 6. Will and fortitude save are increased by barbarian level / 5. Hitpoints of barbarian level * 3 are given. The duration is now based on barbarian level / 2 + max hp / 20
Level >= 20: Starting at barbarian level 20 hitpoints of 1/4 of max hp are given.
Level >= 30: Starting at barbarian level 30 hitpoints of 1/3 of max hp are given.
Battle Mastery (Cleric War Domain feat) The cleric gains a bonus of 3 + 1 per 5 levels to Dexterity, Constitution, Attack Rolls and Damage. As well the cleric receives double this value as damage reduction (/+5). The effect will last for 2 turns + 1 for every 4 cleric levels + Charisma modifier.
Bard Song Song got improved, details see Bard Songs
Curse Song Song got improved, details see Bard Songs
Scribe Scroll This feat is disabled. Try Tradeskills instead
Brew Potion This feat is disabled. Try Tradeskills instead
Craft Harper Item This skill is disabled. Try Tradeskills instead
Craft Wand This feat has no use, try Tradeskills instead
Devastating Critical The requirements for a successfull devastating critical hit, including the fortitude save check, have not changed.
A dev crit knocks the target down for 9 seconds (1.5 rounds) if \it is not immune to knock down, deals extra physical damage of the type the weapon does, and gives the attacker haste for 5 rounds.
The extra damage is critical multiplier x 33, the WM feat is taken into account. The haste effect will not replace haste spells from other sources.
Divine Shield Activates instantly. Duration increased: 2 rounds per cha mod + 1 round per 2 levels (of Cleric, Paladin, Blackguard).
Divine Might Activates instantly. Duration increased: 2 rounds per cha mod + 1 round per 2 levels (of Cleric, Paladin, Blackguard).
Divine Wrath Activates instantly. Uses per day increased to 1 per 5 levels of CoT. Duration increased: 2 rounds per cha mod + 1 round per level of Champion of Torm.
Elemental Shape lasts now forever until you rest or cancel it
Outsider Shape Outsidershape prerequisite: epic shifter, intelligence 25+ OR wisdom 25+
Skill Focus Craft Armor feat has no use, try Tradeskills instead
Skill Focus Craft Trap This feat is disabled.
Skill Focus Craft Weapon This feat is disabled. Try Tradeskills instead
Wildshape lasts now forever until you rest or cancel it
Wholeness of Body Monk level x 6 + heal skill