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Feat | Description |
Toughness | Toughness gives 2 HP per level. |
Elemental Arrow | AA get at class level 4 now a feat for elemental Arrow. It enables the AA to toggle between: none, acid, cold, fire bonus damage and optional slow via radial menu. |
Energy Resistance | and Epic Energy Resistance is now stacking. |
Epic Energy Resistance | and Energy Resistance is now stacking. |
Epic Toughness | Each Epic Toughness feat taken gives additional 80 HP at once. It can be taken multiple times. |
Extra Turning | Black Guards may take this Feat on SF as well. |
Barbarian Rage | AC is always lowered by 2. |
Level 1 - 14: The barbarian rage increases strength by 4, will save and fortitude save by 2 and gives bonus hitpoints of max hp / 3. The duration is barbarian level / 2 + 10 rounds | |
Level >= 15: Starting at barbarian level 15 strenght is increased by 6. Will and fortitude save are increased by barbarian level / 5. The duration is now based on barbarian level / 2 + max hp / 20 | |
Battle Mastery (Cleric War Domain feat) | The cleric gains a bonus of 2 + 1 per 5 levels to Dexterity, Constitution, Attack Rolls. There is an additional bonus to Damage and DR (/+5) of twice that value. The effect will last for 5 turns + Charisma modifier + 1 for every 5 cleric levels. |
Bard Song | Song got improved, details see Bard Songs |
Curse Song | Song got improved, details see Bard Songs |
Scribe Scroll | This feat is disabled. Try Tradeskills instead |
Brew Potion | This feat is disabled. Try Tradeskills instead |
Blinding Speed | adjusted to 1 turn / dex mod |
Craft Harper Item | This skill is disabled. Try Tradeskills instead |
Craft Wand | This feat has no use, try Tradeskills instead |
Devastating Critical | The requirements for a successfull devastating critical hit, including the fortitude save check, have not changed. |
A dev crit knocks the target down for 9 seconds (1.5 rounds) if \it is not immune to knock down, deals extra physical damage of the type the weapon does, and gives the attacker haste for 5 rounds. | |
The extra damage is critical multiplier x 33, the WM feat is taken into account. The haste effect will not replace haste spells from other sources. | |
Divine Shield | Activates instantly. Duration increased: 2 rounds per cha mod + 1 round per 2 levels (of Cleric, Paladin, Blackguard). |
Divine Might | Activates instantly. Duration increased: 2 rounds per cha mod + 1 round per 2 levels (of Cleric, Paladin, Blackguard). |
Divine Wrath | Activates instantly. Uses per day increased to 1 per 5 levels of CoT. Duration increased: 2 rounds per cha mod + 1 round per level of Champion of Torm. |
Elemental Shape | lasts now forever until you rest or cancel it |
Empty Body | The monk is given 50% concealment. The duration is 10 + wisdom modifier turns. |
Outsider Shape | Outsidershape prerequisite: epic shifter, intelligence 25+ OR wisdom 25+ |
Shadow evade | Depending on SD level, increases conceal, DR and AC (SD5: 5-5-1/+1; SD7: 10-5-2/+2; SD9: 15-10-3/+3; SD14: 20-12-4/+4; SD19: 25-14-5/+5; SD24: 25-16-6/+5; SD29: 25-18-7/+5 |
Skill Focus Craft Armor | feat has no use, try Tradeskills instead |
Skill Focus Craft Trap | This feat is disabled. |
Skill Focus Craft Weapon | This feat is disabled. Try Tradeskills instead. |
Unarmed Creature Weapon | All weapon feats for unarmed also work shifer forms with 'unarmed creature weapons': Weapon Focus (Unarmed). Improved Critical (Unarmed), Epic Weapon Focus (Unarmed), Overwhelming Critical (Unarmed), Devastating Critical (Unarmed), Weapon Spec (Unarmed), Epic Weapon Spec (Unarmed). |
Wildshape | lasts now forever until you rest or cancel it |
Wholeness of Body | The monk can heal damage equal to their class level * 2 * wisdom modifier + heal skill, once per day. For pure monks it is a full heal. Activation is instant. |