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Table of contents
This section is just new and will be improved over time
1. Starter Points
After leaving the lounge into the world of Arkon you will start depending on your race in either of the following locations:
- Dwarves: Dillinar
- Elves: Silvany
- Human: Davenport
- Halfling: Hillshire
- Gnome: Jerstin
At each location and its sourounding areas you will find so quests that are matching your young age.
2. Maps
Pages on this wiki that may be of some help if you are lost:
- Ingame Maps: Map of Arkon
- Dungeons: Level Range for our Dungeons
- Quests: For which quests to go where, talk to whom, and where you need to go to gather the quest items.
3. Commit Locations
- Read this section if you like to know more about the option to commit to temples to enhance your journey: Travelling
4. Crafting
Keep in mind that there may be hostile npc in the areas you explore - no worries within cities you are safe. However if you travel through a forest there may be wild animals or even other hostiles that may hurt you. For that, please prepare beforehand.
- Our Crafting System allows for early level access to heal kits. Just gather some Aloe, Garlic and Cotton and start crafting at a Healer's Table that can be found in all starting areas somewhere.
- More details you can find here: Tradeskills.
5. Your Protection is Key
- There are some Damage Resistant Belts available from the merchants. Please ask the merchants that sell these for the gold value. A complete list of Items a character may get the hands onto you can find here: Items. We recommend to use one of the following damage resistant belts:
- Swordsman’s Belt
- Brawler’s Belt
- Archer’s Belt
- There are also several Tradeskills items available that provide additional protection, e.g.
- Adamantium shields
- Iron helmets
- From the Quests you may also get, e.g.
- Hillshire Armor
- Jerstien Chain
- Silver Guard Studded Leather
- Sylvany Armor
6. The Player Market
- On Soul Forge everyone can sell their items not only to merchants, but also to other players. For that it is no longer required to be logged on at the same time. Instead the Market can be used. Give it a try, there is also a simple web-interface available if you like to check out which items are available. If you like to buy things that are not on the market, either ask ingame or on our Market section on Discord.
7. Improvement of your Damage
- Next to crafting powerful weapons, hunting for drops it might also be a good idea to increase your
- Alchemy Tradeskill over time to reach the Potion of Flame. These potions can be used by everyone and even for your left- and righthand weapon.
- Scribing Tradeskill (if you are a Sorc). While not all characters may use the same scrolls, some may use e.g. Flame Weapon:
- If you seek for company to your adventures or require assistance, just ask.
8. Changing an Area to explore Soul Forge
- If you e.g. like leave Davenport, use a boat.
- Some directions can be found here: Directions
9. Personal Storage
- You found so many items that you cannot move that fast anymore? You may like to check the Chat Commands for Persistent Storage
10. Game Mechanics - advanced, good to know
10.1. Damage Reduction
There are various types of damage reduction, see also Damage Reduction
1. Soak (Natural DR)
- Damage reduction from feats like Epic DR, Barbarian DR or DwD DR is counted as soak Damage reduction
- Note, only the highest is applied. So if you have a +5 Soak 5 Shield and Epic DR II (6/-), only 6/- is applicable.
2. Damage Resistance (a property e.g. on Belts, Helmets)
- is a Damage reduction that is also recuding the effect Damage, e.g. of Mind Blast
3. Damage Immunity
- is stacking, 2x 25% items = 50% immunity against the Damage type.