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Creating the quest npc needs to be done before the dialogue but that's how it was also in the past. But please check in which section they are in the creaturepalcus to add him/her/it to the same, 2.

  • Merchant NPC: Special > Custom 5

You create a merchant, meaning the store/shop object, not sure what term they use in the toolset. So that it is in the merchant/store palette. Our current system is to only have the blueprint in the palette but not place an instance of the store manually.

For that you add your new store/merchant to the create_merchants.nss script. It runs on module load and will create a store object from the palette blueprint (somewhere in a player inaccessible area).

To open the store for a player you use the OpenStore() function. From a conversation or from whatever you want to trigger the store opening. For conversation use we already have the script open_merchant.nss.

The merchant you create in the toolset has an inventory button where you add the items it will sell. You can toggle infinite flag and adjust some other settings there as well. Generally follow the markup and markdown of all other shops please. I think it is 5% and 100%