back to: Development
1. Toolset
1. The Quest NPC are located in section
- Special > Custom 3
2. Dialogue information:
- Add Dialogue to NPC:
- Note: The character is in Quest Stage 0 if he is either in stage 0 or has not started the quest yet.
2. Database Entries
1. quests:
- Base Info:
- Definition of the Quest
- DB Info:
2. quest_stages:
- Base Info:
- Requirements and Rewards for each Stage of the Quest
- DB Info:
3. quest_journal_entries:
- Base Info:
- Provides the specific entry for the player journal. The info you would note make a note of to know what you need to get to the quest giver to complete the stage of the quest.
- DB Info:
- Note: there is 1 more entry than existing quest stages to enable the journal to display a "COMPLETED" text.
4. quest_status_creatures:
- Base Info:
- additional counting db for kill qty
- Note: no need to enter here information as it filled by the "ondeath" script 'spawned_death' of the creature if an affected quest stage is active
- DB Info:
5. quest_status:
- Base Info:
- No need to fill information here as this is based on the characters progression.
- DB Info: